“Mother Hildegard has been doing more than praying for her beloved priests throughout her Benedictine vocation, she herself has been fulfilling her own ministry, her own mission as one of the priestly people of God: firstly by giving up all things for the sake of Christ and His kingdom and then more specifically by the completion of that daily round of prayer called the Opus Dei that is so essential to the Benedictine way. ”
—From the Homily of Father Ezekiel Lotz, OSB

During the year 2023, Mother Hildegard George celebrated her Golden Jubilee, 50 years of vowed life. At Mass on July 11th, the Feast of St. Benedict, Mother renewed her Profession of Vows to God through the Community. She had desired that the Priesthood be the guiding theme of her celebration and in God's faithfulness, her wish was granted. The Mass was concelebrated by four priests: Father Vincent Gilmore, Father Mel Strazicich, Father Chad Green, and Father Ezekiel Lotz, OSB, our Chaplain in Residence, who was the main celebrant and homilist. Through the efforts of our younger community members and interns, our dairy barn was transformed into a colorful, flower-filled, sunny space, fitting for a Mexican Fiesta. The Community managed, with Father Ezekiel's help, to pull off a Mexican Meal which is not easy when the Jubilarian to be celebrated is a fabulous cook with roots in California. Throughout the Jubilee Year relatives, friends, and Oblates came to the monastery to celebrate privately with Mother Hildegard, reminiscing and thanking God for the ways her vocation has enriched their lives.

Mother Hildegard with her parents
and brother Jeffrey in 1983
Mother Hildegard (Sherry) was born in Los Angeles to Elizabeth Hibler and William George. She was the the oldest of three children, with two brothers, Jeffrey and Greg. Her Mother was an opera singer but chose to give up that career to raise her children. Mother Hildegard has a naturally beautiful voice which she credits to her mother. Her Father was trained as an architect and owned a restaurant where Mother Hildegard at an early age was introduced to the highest standards of cooking and service.
She attended Catholic schools through college and feels the nuns who taught her for twelve years influenced her desire for a Religious vocation. While at Creighton University she was enrolled in the Pre-Med program. She then lived in Hawaii for two years, followed by two years in the Black Forest, Germany, where she studied woodcarving.
Mother Hildegard entered the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem CT on a cold, snowy day in February, 1969 and was clothed with the monastic habit on the Feast of St. Benedict, July 11, 1970. Due to Sherry's affinity for Germany, our Foundress, Lady Abbess Benedict, gave her the name Hildegard after Saint Hildegard of Bingen—Abbess, mystic, composer, pharmacist, and theologian who would be canonized and named a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012. Sister Hildegard worked in the monastic kitchen, daily creating meals for forty to sixty people. Her fifteen-year hands-on study of botany with noted Connecticut botanist, Sterling Parker, prepared her to follow in the footsteps of her patroness Saint Hildegard. She worked in the Abbey gardens, and after inheriting the herb department from Mother Prisca, developed a line of beauty products including perfumes. To this day when one needs an herb or plant identified on Shaw Island, Mother Hildegard is the one to ask.

I learn to succor the wretched.
Mother Hildegard made her Final Vows on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 1980. For the design of her Profession Chart she chose the motto of her Scottish ancestors, the Macmillans, her grandmother's maternal grandparents. who gave up their home and land to go to New Zealand as missionaries in the mid 1800's. The theme she chose of "...Succoring the wretched" would become very relevant to the next phase of her monastic journey. Lady Abbess, in recognizing Mother Hildegard's compassion and generous heart, encouraged her to pursue professional accreditation in the area of child and adolescent psychology, with an emphasis on healing through the use of animals in work. Mother attended Michigan State University, Goddard College, and Union Institute University, obtaining Masters and PhD degrees. She would become a pioneer in the field of animals in work with children, giving workshops and lectures world-wide.
On December 23, 1989 Mother Hildegard received the Blessing of Consecration to a Life of Virginity, conferred by His Excellency The Most Reverend John Whealon, Archbishop of Hartford.
That same year the newly-Consecrated Mother Hildegard took another major step—she moved to Our Lady of the Rock Monastery here on Shaw Island! Her first work here was as shepherdess. With her father's support, she was able to establish a flock of rare Cotswold sheep at the monastery. It was considered the finest flock of this rare breed in North America. As Vice President of the National Cotswold Organization, Mother helped other farmers in the United States and Canada to establish flocks of Cotswolds.
Besides being shepherdess, Mother Hildegard has and still holds many positions of responsibility in the monastery. She is the Econome, responsible for coordinating kitcheners, menus, and shopping needs. Her cooking is renowned: she can whip up a 5-Star meal that includes home baked desserts in no time. She preserves garden produce as it comes in during the Fall. She is Cellarer, seeing to the needs of the houses and physical plant. As Guest Secretary she responds to countless letters and coordinates our Internship program; and as Guest Mistress, welcomes and gives a listening ear to our guests. Over the years she formed a strong group of Oblates dedicated to the Holy Rule and offering their gifts in service to our Community. Always looking for ways to support the Community, Mother Hildegard designed and made jewelry and rosary beads.

Mother Hildegard and her beloved friend Sandi show our llamas at the San Juan Fair.
On Shaw Island Mother's expertise in botany and child psychology and her love of animals meshed in a way that allowed her to open the wonders of God's creation to children of the islands as well as guests. She was a 4-H leader for 11 years, teaching care of llamas, geology, and birding.
In 2010 she started her Blog in which she presents biographies of saints of the 20th and 21st Centuries accompanied by beautiful artwork.