Our Lady of the Rock Monastery is a Benedictine monastery of women located in the heart of the beautiful San Juan Islands of Washington state. The monastery, a dependent priory of the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem CT, is a place of recollection and prayer. Set amidst 300 acres of forest and farmland, the nuns strive to live out their lives faithful to the traditions handed on to them by their holy founders, Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica.

Crucifix in Sacristy

We begin the liturgical season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. In many languages the name given to this sacred season expresses the number forty, such as Quadragesima in Latin. The English word Lent meaning "the Spring-fast" is derived from the ancient Anglo-Saxon words lencten, meaning "Spring," and lenctentid, which means not only "Springtide" but more specifically the month of March.

The number 40 has tremendous significance in Judaism. The two Old Testament prophets who were permitted to approach God, Moses and Elijah, had to first prepare for forty days. During the Exodus from Egypt, the Hebrew people wandered for forty years in the desert before arriving in the Promised Land. On the First Sunday of Lent the Gospel of St. Mark recounts Jesus' forty day fast in the desert.

Read more about the Season and Liturgy of Lent.

Sister Bernadette

On January 4, 2025, Saturday of Christmastide, postulant Mary Margaret White was clothed in the monastic habit and veil and was given the name Sister Bernadette. Father Ezekiel Lotz, OSB, our Chaplain-in-residence, was the main celebrant and homilist at the Mass, with Mary's brother, Father Thomas White, LC, concelebrating. Mary's parents Bill and Denise and her 10 siblings traveled to Shaw Island from many parts of the country to share this joyful celebration with their their oldest sister. Friends and Oblates of the monastery from Portland, Seattle, the northern parishes of Ferndale and Lynden, and the San Juan Islands joined the monastic community for Mass, lunch and celebration at the Shaw Island Community Building, followed by the Clothing Ceremony.

Read about Sister Bernadette and her Clothing Ceremony.
See a gallery of the Ceremony and Celebration.

Daily 6:30 am
Sunday: 8:00 am
Monday–Saturday: Terce and Mass 7:50 am
Sunday: 4:30 pm followed by Benediction
Monday–Saturday: 5:00 pm

You are most welcome to join us in our Monastic Chapel
for the celebration of Mass and Hours of the Divine Office.
Our chapel is open throughout the day for private prayer and meditation.